Starting in the summer of 2009, First Presbyterian and First Christian Reformed Churches have undertaken a joint mission project in the city of Chatham. Over two days, a group of volunteers transforms the outside of a house for an individual in need due to disability or other circumstances. We have scraped and painted houses, built wheelchair ramps and fences, repaired decks and front porches, replaced eavestroughs, landscaped, and done general cleanup around a house. This is done free of charge as an outreach of love and compassion to the homeowner.

Need Our Help? 

We accept nominations in January, with the actual work done later that summer. Nominees must own their home, live on the premises, and have homeowner insurance. Unfortunately because of liability, we are not able to repair roofs and all work must be done outside the home.

If you meet these qualifications or know of someone who does, please reply by email or letter to:

Backyard Mission Project
c/o First Presbyterian Church
60 Fifth Street
Chatham Ontario
N7M 4V7

Be sure to include:

  • the name and address of the individual(s)
  • what needs to be done around the home,
  • reasons why this would be a worthy project to be undertaken,
  • some assurance of home ownership and home insurance,
  • whether you are the home owner or are nominating someone else.

Want to Help? 


It takes a lot of people to accomplish so much in so little time. On average, we attract over 40 volunteers.


We deeply appreciate the generosity of the following businesses.

  • Chatham-Kent Home Hardware Building Centre – Keil Dr.
  • Ross’ Nurserymen
  • Tim Hortons – 45 Park Ave. E
  • Harvey’s Chatham
  • Subway in Dresden

Thanks, of course, to all the volunteers who work so diligently on site, as well as to the many people who provide lunches and dinner for the volunteers over the two day project. We could not do this project without all of you!