Frequently Asked Questions


What is First Church’s denomination?
We are members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Where are you located in Chatham?
We are on the corner of 5th Street and Wellington, just across from the Downtown Chatham Mall and the Federal Building.

What time is your worship service?
Our services begin at 10:30 a.m. (9:30 a.m. in the summer months – first Sunday in July through to, and including, Labour Day Sunday)

Is there parking nearby?
Yes! There is a municipal gravel parking lot adjacent to our church building- parking is free on Sundays only. There is also parking along the streets around the church building.

Do you have a wheelchair ramp and elevator?
Yes. We have both. The ramp and elevator are just off the church’s parking lot on Wellington St. You will see a glass door, and that is where the elevator is found. There is always someone to assist you at that door on Sunday mornings!

Is there easy access from the elevator to the sanctuary?
Yes. There are ramps leading into the sanctuary.

Is there a dress code at First Church?
No. We are a casual congregation, so please wear whatever is comfortable to you.

How long is your service?
Our service runs 1 hr and 10 minutes on average.

Do you have a Sunday School?
Yes. We have classes for all ages running every Sunday. We have a fully furnished and staffed nursery and a toddler room. Pagers are available for parents who leave their children in these two areas.

Our older children attend the Children’s Garden upstairs, and our Middle Schoolers meet in one of our lounges.

Sunday School runs at the same time as our worship service. The children start off with their families in the sanctuary. After participating in a Children’s Time, they and their teachers go to Sunday School.

On Holy Communion, the children return to the sanctuary in time to share in the Lord’s supper.

Please check out our Sunday School page for all necessary information.

Is Holy Communion open to all?
Yes. Anyone who professes faith in Jesus Christ or is seeking him is welcome at the Lord’s Table. Communion is open to both adults and children.

How often do you have Holy Communion?
We share Communion four times a year, on the first Sunday of March, June, October and December.

Do you have to be an official member to participate in ministries and activities at First Church?

No. We have both members and adherents at First Church. Everyone participates fully in the life of our church. Official membership is only required to become an elder, and to vote to call a minister to the congregation.

Can I request to be married at First Church?
You must be a regular attendee at our worship services to request our minister to officiate at a wedding ceremony in the sanctuary. Please contact the office a year in advance of the wedding, because an 8-week marriage prep class is mandatory before the wedding can take place.

What are your office hours?
The church office is open Tuesday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The office is open during the noon hour on Friday.

Is it possible to meet with the minister?
At the moment we are in a vacancy as our minister has retired.  Please keep us in your prayers as we discern who is to lead the congregation in the years to come.


Contact the office by phone 519-352-2313 or by email: