First Presbyterian Church looks very traditional from the outside. Yet, be invited into our sanctuary, and you will find we do things less traditionally than you might expect! Our atmosphere on Sundays is relaxed, and dress is casual. If you like to dress up for church, please do so! If you don’t, that is quite ok with us.! We’re thankful and glad to share our worship service with you.  At FPC we believe that Jesus Matters, and that he changes the world one heart at a time.

Our musical ministry is vitally important to us. We believe that our choices in music not only reflect are devotion to God, but also create an atmosphere that is inviting to both newcomers and regulars. Our worship style combines the traditional and modern elements of church music, using both the pipe organ and modern instruments.

Adam Shaw, FPC’s music director, works with the minister so that all music, praise songs, hymns, and anthems reinforce the message series being preached in the pulpit. All audiovisuals employed in the service similarly serve to emphasize the topic being preached. So, if you visit us and think we put a lot of planning into what we do…you’re right!

Our choir has always been an important part of our worship services at FPC. The choir leads us in song, sings anthems, and performs on special Sundays and cantatas.  We give thanks to God for their talents and passion for singing.

We are also blessed by our Praise Team; a talented group of musicians who add to our worship with song, keyboard, guitar, flute and drums. The Praise Team is an active part of our worship services, and we are so thankful for their desire to serve God with their musical talents.

The choir and praise team practice on Thursday evenings.  Adam invites anyone who wishes to join our music teams. Our choir and praise teams are friendly groups who always welcome new members. Please call the office for information if you’d like to join the music and worship ministry at FPC, or talk to Adam directly on Sundays. We would love for you to share your talents to the glory of God in our worship services.

Our Sunday School was online during the Covid pandemic, but has now resumed on Sunday mornings.  Although our Sunday School is small, please know that children are important to us, and we are delighted when the kids participate fully in the life of the church.  When you come to FPC, your children will be met by Allison Shaw, our Christian Coordinator, and her volunteer group of teachers and chaperones.  They will both teach and entertain your children with stories about Jesus and our Christian faith.  if you are checking us online, please contact Allison at  She will be delighted to answer any questions you may have!  At FPC we adhere to the “Leading with Care” policy of the Presbyterian Church in Canada which protects children and vulnerable adults.  Every Sunday School class has two adults supervising at all times.

We welcome children at the communion table. An abbreviated Sunday School program runs on Communion Sunday, and the children return to the sanctuary in time for Communion. We love having our little ones at the Lord’s Table.

As we begin pulling out of the Covid pandemic, you will see that a lot is happening at FPC, and we’d love you to join us! If you’ve been thinking of getting back to church, or maybe attending church for the first time, you’ll discover we’ve been thinking about YOU in creating a worship experience that will speak to your heart. Won’t you join us?

Adam Shaw - Music Director
Praise Team