Children from JK – Grade 5.
The congregation begins worship together; the children with their parents and friends. Then the children gather in a special area designated for kids only – The Children’s Garden. This space is an open-concept space with brightly painted walls depicting different garden scenes. There is an arts & crafts area, a story-telling tent a drama and bible games room and a costume room.


We a curriculum that emphasizes growing in wisdom, faith and friendship. It is a unique approach in that it is built around three basic truths every child should embrace according to what Jesus modeled in Luke 2:52:

1. I need to do the wise thing.

2. I can trust God no matter what.

3. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Each month the lesson is based on a core virtue. Using bible stories and real life application, we teach the children and their families about God’s love for them in a relevant way. The children are divided up into two groups:

JK – Grade 1

Grade 2 – 5

We use a combination of small group and large group format to teach the content of each Sunday’s lesson. We also provide information to parents so the learning can continue at home.

Teaching Teams

Each month the lesson is led by one of our several teaching teams. The teaching teams are made up of volunteers from the congregation who are trained and screened. All Sunday School volunteers at FPC must have a background check before they can help in our classrooms.

Outreach Ministries:

Our Sunday School students sponsor two children, Jeffery and Sashini, through World Vision. We have been sponsoring them for several years and it’s been great for the kids to get to know them and know how much they are helping them to receive proper nutrition, education and medical services.

We provide weekly offering envelopes to encourage the children to reach out to others in need.

Children’s Garden News
We feel it is really important to keep parents up-to-date on what’s going on in the Children’s Garden. It is really difficult to help young people develop their faith without the support of the family. Each month, a newsletter is sent to each family via email letting them know what the lesson is for that month. This also gives the families the opportunity to discuss the lesson at home as well.