Our Core Values
We are committed to sharing the unchanging Gospel in fresh and up-to-date ways to an ever-changing culture.
We are convinced that change happens in the heart of an individual as a result of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe in the centrality of the Bible in our daily life.
We believe that worship is an integral part of the Christian life.
We joyfully fulfill Christ’s call to share the Gospel message to a hurting world in need of God.
We believe that prayer is the essential ingredient in shaping personal and communal relationships with God.
We believe Mission (local and international) as commanded by Jesus is an integral part of our purpose as a church.
Spiritual Development
We are committed to helping people develop their faith at all stages in life.
We strongly believe that our Christian faith is best shared and nurtured in community.
Worship Life
First Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC). Our congregation has existed for 190 years. An excellent encapsulation of our beliefs can be found in the PCC document Living Faith.
So naturally, our building looks very traditional. And, truth be told, we do value our traditions. Within our walls, however, the atmosphere is one of peace, authenticity, and acceptance. Many of us dress casually, because we not only believe that Jesus changes the world one heart at a time but that He isn’t overly concerned with outward appearances.
Our musical ministry is vitally important to us. We use the pipe organ as well as modern instruments, and each service contains a mix of praise songs and hymns. Our choir treats us to an anthem, while a talented group of musicians, our Praise Team, adds keyboard, guitar, flute and drums to the mix.
Our Sunday School leaves mid service, following Children’s Time, for age-appropriate classes featuring stories, scripture and the importance of faith. As we adhere to the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s policy Leading With Care, there are two adults supervising at all times.
As our services are livestreamed on YouTube, you can also join us from home or catch up on any you missed.
Pastoral Care
We may not worship together the other six days of the week, but we do keep one another in mind. Pastoral concerns can either be phoned in during Office hours or emailed after hours. (Since we are no longer notified when congregants are admitted to hospital, someone will need to let us know.)
Calls, visits, appointments with ministry staff, prayers: We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Want to Know More?
Check out Ministry Staff and Becoming a Congregant.
Finished in 1893, First Presbyterian Church is a stately brick structure located in the heart of downtown Chatham. Its stained glass windows and impressive architecture add to the beauty of the downtown core. First Presbyterian Church is one of the oldest buildings in the city.
Our sanctuary is an impressive place of worship. Beautiful stained glass windows, solid oak pews, and three balconies enhance the worshipful quality of the sanctuary. The acoustics in the sanctuary are first rate, and the sound of organ, instruments and voices carries clearly.
Behind the main sanctuary are our Meeting Hall, offices, Jean Thompson Lounge and choir room. Our Sunday School is on the floor above.
The Lower Hall holds 150-200 people and is used most frequently for pancake suppers and our weekly free Saturday Breakfast. It also houses our nursery and Toddlers Room.
In preparation for our 100-Year Anniversary, a major restoration project was undertaken. This project included replacing the original slate roof with new slate, copper eaves, exterior paint window repair and pigeon control.
In 1998, the congregation gave its approval for the installation of an elevator, upgrading of washrooms, parking lot, doors, addition of ramps and other work necessary to make the church fully accessible.
In 2005, work began to repair the brick exterior of the building which had suffered the ravages of over 100 years of weather and an extensive and very loyal pigeon population! This renovation project is not merely a facelift; it is undertaken with the understanding that we are not just maintaining our building, but are equally committed to rethinking how we do church today and in the future.
In 2009, we undertook a major project to redesign the front of the sanctuary. The pulpit and choir loft were replaced with a semicircular hardwood platform. In 2013, a new sound system and audiovisual screens completed the project. In 2022, more audiovisual equipment was installed, including a video camera which allows us to livestream our services.
If you would like to know more about our building and past doings as a congregation, we published our history in 2000. To purchase a copy, please contact the Office.