We have provided a hot and delicious breakfast on Saturday mornings to people in our community, free of charge, since 2001, each week serving between 100 to 150 guests.
Interested in Helping Out?
To pull this off, week after week, we are blessed with four cooking teams, as well as set-up, server, kitchen and clean-up teams. That’s 15-20 volunteers each week. In addition, coordinators are responsible for ordering food and supplies, which shoppers pick up and deliver to the church. Our lead volunteers also offer counseling and prayer on an individual basis.
You do not necessarily have to belong to our congregation; and if you’re high school, it’s a great way to learn the value of service and earn hours toward your community service requirements.
We can always use another volunteer! So if you’re interested, please call the Office at (519) 352-2313.
In Need of a Good Meal?
Ours is not the typical “Soup Kitchen,” feeding clients on a production line basis and rushing them out so that the next group can come in. We provide a warm, hospitable and friendly environment. There are artificial flowers on each table and placemats including a greeting from First Church and a prayer. Our guests can gather round a table and spend time socializing. Though many are here because they are hungry, many others come because they are lonely and appreciate the fellowship they share. Our lead volunteers will also offer counseling and prayer on an individual basis.
Our Menu
Week 1: Frittata and potatoes.
Week 2: Sausage, hash browns and scrambled eggs.
Week 3: French toast, hash browns, and sausage.
Week 4: Pancakes and sausage
In addition, we always serve piping hot oatmeal, 3 or 4 brands of cereal, orange juice, apple juice, coffee, tea, toast and English muffins. We also provide sugar free jam and syrup.
Our serving hall, just minutes prior to opening.
Our beautiful new tables were purchased thanks to a generous grant
from the Presbytery of Essex-Kent.