Holy Habits: We all know good habits are, well…good for us. Eating healthy food, exercising, getting proper sleep, and doing all things in moderation are factors that result in a better quality of life. And here’s the thing…we have to do all of these things proactively and routinely to achieve the desired results. It is no surprise, then, that certain “holy habits” affect not only the way we live, but also our sense of joy and wellbeing. Join us in this four-week series as we examine some of the habits and qualities that mirror those of our Christian faith, and result in a life well lived.
Sept 4 “Gratitude” Jonah 2:1-10; Psalm 100:1-5
Sept 11 “Compassion” Matt 20:29-34
Sept 18 “Humility” Matt 23:1-12
Sept 25 “Forgiveness” Gen 33:1-20 Guest speaker: Rev. Paul Shaw